Getting Started

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This guide will cover everything you need to start using the Folktale project right away, from giving you a brief overview of the project, to installing it, to creating a simple example. Once you get the hang of things, the Folktale By Example guide should help you understanding the concepts behind the library, and mapping them to real use cases.

Table of Contents

So, what’s Folktale anyways?

Folktale is a suite of libraries for allowing a particular style of functional programming in JavaScript. This style uses overtly generic abstractions to provide the maximum amount of reuse, and composition, such that large projects can be built in a manageable way by just gluing small projects together. Since the concepts underneath the library are too generic, however, one might find it difficult to see the applications of the data structures to the problems they need to solve (which the Folktale By Example guide tries to alleviate by using real world examples and use cases to motivate the concepts). However, once these concepts are understood, you open up a world of possibilities and abstractive power that is hard to find anywhere else.

The main goal of Folktale is to allow the development of robust, modular, and reusable JavaScript components easier, by providing generic primitives and powerful combinators.

Do I need to know advanced maths?

Short answer is no. You absolutely don’t need to know any sort of advanced mathematics to use the Folktale libraries.

That said, most of the concepts used by the library are derived from Category Theory, Algebra, and other fields in mathematics, so the if you want to extrapolate from the common use cases, and create new abstractions, it will help you tremendously to be familiar with these branches of mathematics.

Okay, how can I use it?

Good, let’s get down to the good parts!

Folktale uses a fairly modular structure, where each library is provided as a separate package. To manage all of them, we use NPM. If you’re already using Node, you’re all set, just skip to the next section.

If you’re not using Node, you’ll need to install it so you can grab the libraries. Don’t worry, installing Node is pretty easy:

  1. Go the the Node.js download page.
  2. If you’re on Windows, grab the .msi installer. If you’re on Mac, grab the .pkg installer.

If you’re on Linux, the easiest way is to grab the Linux Binaries, extract them to some folder, and place the node and npm binaries on your $PATH:

~ mkdir ~/Applications/node-js
~ cd ~/Applications/node-js
~ wget
# or linux-x86.tar.gz, for 32bit architectures
~ tar -xzf node-.tar.gz
~ cd /usr/local/bin
~ sudo ln -s ~/Applications/node-js/node-v0.10.24-linux-x64/bin/node node
~ sudo ln -s ~/Applications/node-js/node-v0.10.24-linux-x64/bin/npm npm

On Ubuntu, you can also use Chris Lea’s PPA.

Hello, world.

Now that you have Node, we can get down to actually using the library. For this, let’s create a new directory where we’ll install the library:

~ mkdir ~/folktale-hello-world
~ cd ~/folktale-hello-world
~ npm install data.maybe

The npm install command will grab the library for you. In this case, the library is data.maybe, which provides a data structure for modelling values that might not exist (like nulls, but safer). It should only take a few seconds to get everything installed, and if all goes well, you’ll have a node_modules folder with all the stuff.

Now, run node to get dropped into a Read-Eval-Print-Loop, which will allow us to play around with the library interactively. Once in the REPL, you can load the library:

// We load the library by "require"-ing it
var Maybe = require('data.maybe')

// Returns Maybe.Just(x) if some `x` passes the predicate test
// Otherwise returns Maybe.Nothing()
function find(predicate, xs) {
return xs.reduce(function(result, x) {
return result.orElse(function() {
return predicate(x)? Maybe.Just(x)
: /* otherwise */ Maybe.Nothing()
}, Maybe.Nothing())

var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

var anyGreaterThan2 = find(function(a) { return a > 2 }, numbers)
// => Maybe.Just(3)

var anyGreaterThan8 = find(function(a) { return a > 8 }, numbers)
// => Maybe.Nothing

What about the Browser?

Running in the browser takes just a little bit more of effort. To do so, you’ll first need the Browserify too, which converts modules using the Node format, to something that the Browsers can use. Browserify is just an NPM module, so it’s easy to get it:

$ npm install browserify

Since Browserify has quite a bit more of dependencies than our data.maybe library, it’ll take a few seconds to fully install it. Once you’ve got Browserify installed, you’ll want to create your module using the Node format. So, create a hello.js with the following content:

// We load the data.maybe library, just like in Node
var Maybe = require('data.maybe')

Maybe.Just("Hello, world!").chain(function(value) {

To compile this file with Browserify, you run the Browserify command giving the file as input:

~ $(npm bin)/browserify hello.js > bundle.js

And finally, include the bundle.js file in your webpage:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello, World</title>
<script src="bundle.js"></script>

By opening the page on your webbrowser, you should see Hello, World! added to the page.

What else do I get?

Folktale is a large collection of base libraries, and still largely a work in progress, but there’s a lot that is already done and can be used today!

Each of them are fairly broad concepts. The recommended way of getting familiar with them is working through the Folktale By Example guide, which will explain each concept through a series of real world use cases.